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Time Outs - One minute time out per team in each game.
If rules weren't followed but match was completed - Match results are final.
In the 3rd game, teams must switch ends after the first team gets 8 points.
There are 2 lines (courts) of play for each league match.
*If the match is tied at 1-1, teams will play a super tiebreaker to determine the winning team.
A match is 2 out of 3 games to 15 points (win by 1 point).
Switch ends of court after each game. Spin for end if 3rd game is needed.
At the 4.0+ level, only two (2) 4.5 players are allowed on the roster and only one (1) 4.5 player can play per week. The 4.5 player must play line 1.
The only league ball requirement will be NEW balls, provided by the home team for all courts.
Captains pick one player from line 1 and one player from line 2.
If it is a combo team, the level of play must equal the flight the team is participating in.
Play one game to 11 (win by one).
Spin for starting ends.
Switch ends after one team reaches six (6) points in the super tiebreaker.
Winning tiebreak team wins the match.
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